Collaborating to improve the health and well being of young women in the South.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mark Your Calendars for our Next Webinar

We are really excited about our upcoming webinar on February 9, 2012 from 12-1:30 est. This webinar will focus on the Life Course Theory. This theory is a conceptual framework that helps explain health and disease patterns - particularly health disparities - across populations and over time. It points to social, economic and environmental factors as underlying causes of persistent inequalities in health. This theory is grounded in social determinants and social equity models and is also a community or "place based" approach. While the concept is innovative and for most public health professionals somewhat intuitive, the application in practice is a lot more complex.

In other words, while many of us may be interested in changing the way we approach our work in maternal and child health, there are not many existing models and programs to refer to as best practice for how to actually make it happen! This means that we need to be the change agents to begin to build these new models. But first, it is helpful to make sure we understand the concept and have guidance as to how some programs have made this happen.

Both of our speakers are national experts on the life course model. Our first speaker is from Florida and will provide us with an overview of this model and some resources and examples for application. Our second speaker is not from the South but is leading a very successful and growing MOVEMENT in New York City to reframe his entire perinatal partnership to be in line with the life course theory.

We hope you will register and then join us in a few weeks. To register click here

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