Collaborating to improve the health and well being of young women in the South.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

We're on Pinterest

Every Woman Southeast is working to build up our social media presence. We've recently joined one of the hottest social media sites, Pinterest. What is Pinterest you ask? If you don’t know, then you MUST check it out. In fact, here are some top reasons why WOMEN love Pinterest.

Why is Pinterest so addictive?
  1. The simple design is easy to use and the focus on attractive images allows you to quickly scroll through content.
  2. Pinboards satisfy the desire to hoard images and content from the Internet in an organized way.

  3. Pinterest allows users to share less personal content so there is no need to worry about privacy.

  4. The possibility of creating a visually stimulating pinboard offers an element of excitement!
To see the infographic, visit

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