Collaborating to improve the health and well being of young women in the South.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

EWSE Meeting Reflections: Adaptive Leadership

By Carol Brady, Executive Director of the Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition, Inc.

What a great kick-off for the Kellogg grant and Every Woman Southeast! There are so many opportunities and synergies with other initiatives focusing on poor outcomes among women and children in our region -- ASTHO, AMCHP HRSA, CDC Consumer Work Group. Our leadership group will be an important vehicle for implementing strategies within and across our states. The concepts of “adaptive leadership” (loved Sterling Freeman, the meeting facilitator!) and “leading from the middle” really resonated with participants. We have momentum!

Check out some pictures from the meeting below!

Some EWSE coalition members take a tour of  UNC-Chapel Hill after the meeting on May 22.

One of the facilitated activities from Sterling Freeman.
Megan Lewis from RTI presenting an update from the National Initiative on Preconception Health and Health Care Consumer Work Group.
Lori Reeves (Florida) and Sarah Verbiest (North Carolina) lead a group brainstorming session.

1 comment:

D'Ann Somerall said...

Awesome time! Loved the enthusiasm of the grip for this mission.