Collaborating to improve the health and well being of young women in the South.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

We're Live!

Our new website went live on Sunday October 10, 2010! While being on the web is a great step, the challenge will be keeping our website current and relevant, as well as making sure people know it exists. For that we need everyone's help. If you see errors or broken links let us know. If you have resources or updates for us to post - please send them to us. You can email Sarah at or post a comment below.

Having trouble getting to the site? It might be a little confusing with our blog being a dot com and the site being a dot org. But we'll make it happen. The blog is featured on the homepage of the site. If you've landed on our blog first - click on the link above and you should be at the website. Please bookmark it as a favorite and come back.

Still having trouble? You might need to clear your browser history and cache then shift and reset. That should work. If not, post a comment and we'll figure it out.

Thanks everyone - happy reading!

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